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The Fasting Month Ramadan And Diabetes

The month of Ramadan known to be the month in which Muslims for their faith and their beliefs, practice daily fast from dawn until the sun sets can affect those Muslims who are diabetic and can suffer from hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia if they spend too many hours without eating. In Demedicina want to give you now, Tips for Diabetics practicing Ramadan.

  • The main features of Ramadan is a month of practice is fasting so that patients who have diabetes and are Muslims , may suffer  acute complications such as hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia to spend too many hours without eating any food.
  • Spain has a Muslim population of 1,671,000 people, with Catalonia (448,879), Texas (266,421) and the Community of Madrid (249,643) the regions with the largest Muslim population
  • If we consider that in our country the type 2 diabetes is present in 13.8% of the population , it is estimated that around 230,000 people with diabetes in our country must decide whether or not to comply with fasting imposed by their religion and assuming the risks and responsibilities involved.
  • The realities of fasting during Ramadan  is a report prepared for the second year, MSD and to help patients who suffer from Type 2 diabetes to know that risks can have and how to avoid them.


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